Tuesday, October 29, 2013

New Jewelry

These earrings are made from vintage turquoise beads I've had in stock for years, 2 nice antique coral beads, and new sterling silver beads from India. So nice I may have to keep them!

More new stuff...

Kantha Jacket

The embroidery continues. The jacket looks like a crazy sampler since I use it to practice stitches that have completely slipped my mind and fingers. I love learning new techniques and seeing the patterns grow. In the meantime, I used a lovely kantha quilt I got from Frioz on his last visit to Bellingham and made a jacket from a Simplicity pattern classed as "easy". Well, most of it was easy, until I got to the front lining and the collar, when it looked like a crazy jigsaw puzzle. But it worked! All it needs now is buttons.

Finished...here are the photos

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Almost finished. I had the kitty outlined in black and she didn't show up so I picked it all out and went with gray. The crescent moon is done with an underlayer of white pearl cotton and silver thread over for a padded effect. The stars are in silver. Havin' fun!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Owl and the Pussycat

I started embroidering again and it's working out quite well. I am full of ideas about what to do with this old Flax tunic and have decided to use it as a sampler, to learn, to explore, and have fun. Here is a photo of the bottom front right.

This is the cartoon for The Owl and the Pussycat, which will cover most of the back of the jacket skirt. I have since added a crescent moon. I got the design from a drawing online. I'd like to do the moon in some silver embroidery thread I bought.